Saturday, September 26, 2009

WOW...What a great puppy. His name is Max and he is visiting here until he can find a home of his own. He is only 14 weeks old, but learning in leaps and bounds. Max loves dogs and plays hard with my dogs, Kasey and Lyla. They are teaching him his boundries and I have noticed that he is not as rough in his play as he was the first few days. Way to go Kasey and Lyla. whoops...I was just about to say that he is almost potty trained and...yep....there he went.. I guess it will be a few more days.. Seriously he is almost there..
He got the sit command in a day and am now working on down and off..he is really smart so i am sure he with be a quick learner in anything you might want to teach him....I will get some links on here shortly for places you can get more info..In the meantime, if anybody is interesting in adopting Max please shoot me an email. Will post more this evening...


  1. Wow Kathy,
    I am impressed!!! You rock!!

  2. lol..I have nothing on Shelly Grade...Still have alot to do.

  3. aww shucks ma'am - it ain't nuthin' but thank you for the compliment :)
